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European Cycling Summit 2018 (de/en)

Tag/parole chiave assegnate

  • Pendolare
  • Comuni
  • Bicicletta
  • Tempo libero

Cycling culture moves
- European Cycling Summit 2018 in Salzburg.
Cyclists will be at the very center of this event. Our goal for these
three days is to shift the focus from infrastructure, technology and
administration to humans on bicycles. We would like to provide inspiring
impulses for the establishment and improvement of vibrant cycling
cultures in cities and municipalities.

The European Cycling Summit 2018
is going to host a wide variety of keynotes, panel discussions, paper
sessions, interactive formats and an exhibition area. Moreover,
excursions and an attractive social program are going to be offered to
The European Cycling Summit 2018 is a great opportunity to explore
Austria’s cycling capital Salzburg and to connect with national and
international cycling enthusiasts. Join the event and benefit from a
diverse network of experts from academia, administration, interest
groups and innovative companies.


City and Province of Salzburg, klimaaktiv mobil, BMVIT

Più info


Data e luogo

  • 24.09. - 26.09.2018, Salzbourg (A)