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A smart transport mode: How to include walking as an obvious choice? (en)

Tag/parole chiave assegnate

  • Comuni
  • A piedi

Swiss Pedestrian Mobility and the International Federation of Pedestrians are discussing successful strategies and concrete examples to learn from each other.

This is an invitation to discuss insights to boost walking as a form of active mobility – as a priority, by choice and as the best and smartest option in everyday life.

Therefore, let’s talk 1). about risk with a different look at statistics and consider its consequences for road (un)safety and active modal choice; 2). about speed management empowering active mobility; and 3). to what extend does legal framework on international, national and local level influence and respect the pedestrians.


Mobilité piétonne Suisse & IFP

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Data e luogo

  • 12.05.2021, Online (CH)