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SmartSuisse 2021
Smart up Your City - Des solutions intelligentes pour un développement durable des villes (fr/de)

Tag/parole chiave assegnate

  • Comuni
  • Aziende

SmartSuisse is a strategy congress with accompanying exhibition addressing the most high-potential smart city issues. The event offers a unique blend of strategy and concrete solutions, and a cross-industry approach aimed at strengthening networks between the public sector and business and science. SmartSuisse is aimed at all those wishing to shape the urban life of tomorrow in an active and sustainable approach.

The fourth edition of SmartSuisse includes a symposium and a congress, which now includes various parallel series on Governance, Mobility, Energy & Environment and Infrastructure.


MHC Group

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Data e luogo

  • 27.10. - 28.10.2021, Basilea (CH)