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ECOMM 2021 (en)

Tag/parole chiave assegnate

ECOMM is a global event, the true meeting place for everyone involved in mobility management and every year attracts between 300 and 400 experts. Throughout its 23 editions it has been placed in numerous countries and cities and Cascais, due to its pioneering and interest in this matter, was the place chosen to host the 24th edition.

Presentations at ECOMM 2021 will refer to one of the following topics, all related to the main theme of the conference, Beginning a New Era — Accelerating Shifting to Sustainable Mobility:

  • Beginning a new era — accelerating shifting to sustainable mobility
  • Mobility avoidance: a new mobility rebuilt from the ground zero
  • Resilient territories — speeding the implementation of new decisions
  • Mobility management policies to promote universal access
  • Tomorrow's mobility prospectives


The Municipality of Cascais, together with EPOMM

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Data e luogo

  • 24.01. - 30.06.2020, Online (EU)
  • 24.11. - 25.11.2021, Cascais (P)