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Les 3 fonctions de recherche ciblée dans la base de donnée de Mobilservice: recherche par mot-clé, masque de recherche simple (pictogrammes) et critères de recherche fins (plus bas).

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Moyens de transport
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2nd Swiss Mobility Conference

tags/mots-clés attribués

The Swiss Mobility Conference (SMC) is the result of collaboration between the urban sociology chairs (EPFL) and geography of mobilities (UNIL). The objective of SMC is to provide a place for discussion and debate for researchers in humanities and social sciences working on various forms of mobility.

Presentations in French and in English. No simultaneous translation is planned during the conference.



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Date & lieu

  • 28.02.2017, Appel à contributions
  • 29.06. - 30.06.2017, Lausanne (CH)