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University of St.Gallen - Institute for Mobility

University of St.Gallen - Institute for Mobility

The Institute for Mobility at the University of St.Gallen (IMO-HSG) specialises in future-oriented mobility concepts. Essentially, this involves ecological, economic, social and behavioural research, the classification of future forms of mobility and the development of holistic mobility concepts. To this end, the IMO maintains a close-knit network with research institutions and mobility experts, predominantly from Europe, the USA and China. The IMO is also closely linked with decision-makers from politics and business. This is in line with the IMO's declared goal of playing a key role in shaping the ongoing mobility transition. 

How this transformation will take shape is a fundamental societal question. To explore answers, the IMO brings together various players and innovators from the international mobility industry, politics and research at the annual “Smart Mobility Summit”. The event provides a platform for exchanging insights on current developments and driving forward new solutions and innovations. 

The mobility transition also poses a particular challenge for managers in the mobility industry. With the Executive Program "CAS SMART Mobility Management," the IMO specifically supports decision-makers in developing innovative management concepts to successfully navigate the shift towards sustainable, autonomous, and intelligent mobility. 

Produits et références


University of St.Gallen
Institute for Mobility
Blumenbergplatz 9
CH-9000 Saint-Gall
Tél. 071 224 21 31

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