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Annuler la sélection

The Future of Transport 2017 - Towards clean, connected and competitive transport in Europe (en)

tags/mots-clés attribués

  • Communes
  • Entreprises
  • Voiture

The Future Transport conference,
now in its 3rd edition, works to develop the debate around transportation in
Europe by focusing on the innovation emerging as a result of technical and
digital progress.

As more European governments
look to phase out the use of petrol and diesel vehicles in their towns
and cities, what are the required policy-making and industrial next steps with
regards alternative fuel options? As the push towards greater
electrification of the transport sector gains increased traction, the
conference will look at the requirements for building out the necessary
infrastructure and architecture.

Finally, as data and
digital technologies are now often seen as panaceas, the conference will
look at some practical examples of real-life innovations that are driving
decarbonisation and more intelligent transport systems, and look at the
policy frameworks necessary to deliver the potential for digital mobility.


Forum Europe

Plus d'infos

Date & lieu

  • 06.12.2017, Bruxelles (B)