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Die 3 Recherchefunktionen für Ihre gezielte Suche in der Mobilservice Datenbank: Stichwortsuche, einfache Suchmaske (Piktogramme) und verfeinerte Suchkriterien (weiter unten).

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VMIF 2019
Verbier Mobility Investment Forum 2019 (fr/en)

zugeordnete Tags/Schlagwörter

  • Gemeinden

Mobility is one of the most innovative sectors of today’s economy at the crossroad between accelerated innovation in the automotive and technology sectors and the rapid development of the shared economy.

The Verbier Mobility Investment Forum (VMIF) was created in December 2014 in Verbier as the first European forum focused on sustainable mobility. The VMIF encompasses all aspects of mobility, from technology to business models, behavioural changes, policy and governance.

This forum will gather mobility practitioners and experts with
focus on:

  • Governance, Financing and
    Planning of Mobility
  • The new Mobility ecosystem
    and the "ACES" trends
  • Data, a key mobility

Simultaneous translation English-French and French-English available.


VMIF, CleantechAlps

Weitere Informationen

Datum & Ort

  • 05.12.2019, Le Châble (CH)