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European Mobility Expo (fr/en)

zugeordnete Tags/Schlagwörter

  • Fuss
  • Velo
  • ÖV
  • Auto

From 1-3 October 2024, public transport and sustainable mobility stakeholders will be getting together in Strasbourg for an exhibition bringing together up to 11,000 French and international participants.

EuMo Expo is a showcase for innovation in the industry and a key meeting-place where stakeholders in the sector do business. Manufacturers, operators, politicians, startups, service providers and firms working in e-ticketing, maintenance and more will all be there.

  • The event gives visitors a broad overview of the sector.
  • It’s also an ideal opportunity to meet leaders in different areas of business, all together in one place.
  • Professionals can benefit from the across-the-board offering spanning everything that’s happening in mobility.
  • Most importantly of all, it’s the place to discover and discuss the future issues surrounding sustainable mobility.


GIE Objectif transport public

Weitere Informationen

Datum & Ort

  • 01.10. - 03.10.2024, Strassburg (F)